Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sketch + Colors = 2 Challenges in 1 Card

**2nd post of the day... scroll down for more!**

I've been contemplating the sketch challenge over at The Paper Players for several days.  Once I saw the Celebrity Color Challenge over at Pals Paper Arts, I knew I had a combination winner! 

Click HERE to find out more about The Paper Players current challenge. Here's the sketch... which I flipped on its side...

Click HERE to see the details of the Pals Paper Arts color challenge.  Here is the color scheme...

Ppa color pick
Here's the card I came up with when I combined these two challenges...

Another card for the stash for my mother-in-law who is undergoing chemo treatments.  I hope these fun colors make her smile! :)

Thanks for stopping by today!  Have a blessed afternoon!

What a Challenge!

Okay, so when I saw the Mojo Monday Challenge 202, I was quite intimidated... I mean, triangles... two of them??  But I was determined that I was going to tackle this sketch and make something I could be proud of.. .and I think I did! 

Click HERE for all the details on Mojo 202.  Here's the sketch....

Here's my take on the sketch, using one of my favorite color combos... bright pink, black, & white...

It's hard to see in this pic, but I scored the black panel vertically at every 1/8 inch for a little extra detail.  I also scored the white panel twice horizontally on the top and bottom.   
Thanks for stopping by & looking!  Have a wonderful day!